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What to Note about EMP Attacks

Today, the number of EMP attacks is on the rise and there is need for you to get prepared in advance through using tech protect Faraday bags. Therefore, faraday bags play an integral role of protecting all the critical electronics that you have. Basically, there is need for you to capitalize on having the EMP bags as you don't know when the attack will surface, the strength of the attack, its proximity or even the size but through the tech protect bag, you will manage to plummet or rather jettison the chances of having the gamma radiations attacking the electronics and overly killing them.

There are so many people with multiple fallacies of EMP attacks and what this kind of an attack will damage. Basically, an EMP will kill any microchip and an electronic with a microchip in it. Therefore, where the electronic has a microchip even an LED light, it will never survive the attack. Items and equipments like a refrigerator that doesn't have microchips but are overly connected to the grid will always suffer from an EMP attack. Therefore, everything with a microchip and anything that is plugged on the wall outlet will always suffer or rather get killed by the EMP attack. Check out tech protect bag for the best faraday bags or check out these faraday bags.

There are certain items which are commonly used today and they should be protected from the attack. Some of these items are medical devices, cell phones, laptops, electronic water pumps, power inverters TVs, and blenders amongst other electronics whether in your house or in your car. Therefore, endeavor to identify the electronics inn your house with microchips or the digital components that you will be using even after an EMP attack and have them protected in advance.

There is need for you to consider nesting. Nesting is where you put a faraday bag inside of another faraday bag and this tends to create another layer. There are higher chances of protecting the electronic from the harmful EMP attack when the layers are thick. Therefore, instead of manufacturing thick faraday bags, nesting is highly recommended. Where the faraday bags are thick, they become fragile and they can easily break.

There are three main phases of an EMP and they are classified as E1, E2 and E3. The last two are the most deadly. Where the EMP bomb explodes, it's prone to affect a big area and how close you are to the explosion will determine the nature of the attack. For instance, where the E1 phase bomb explodes at 30 miles above the earth surface, it's prone to affect over 1/3 of the USA. Where the bomb goes off at an altitude of 300 miles above the earth surface, it will affect the whole of the USA and other parts of Mexico and Canada. You can read more details on this here:

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